Friday, August 9, 2013

Animal with a Segmented Body

Captured at my front yard
This is a delightful little pill bug, which is also called a roly poly by many children. This pill bug is a bug with a segmented body. An animal with a segmented body means an animal, also called an anthropods, have a body divided into segments that have functions. These sections of an anthropod's body is called the head, thorax, and abdomen. This pill bug is a great example of an anthropod because it can roll up into a ball.


Captured at Coalinga at our camp
In this picture you see a man holding up a dead bobcat. This is an example of predation, which is when one organism acts as the predator and the other organism is the prey. In this picture the hunter is the predator, whom saw the prey, stalked it, and then shot it, sadly.


Captured at the Schönbrunn in Austria

At the Schönbrunn in Austria there are many tourists, which at the time included myself. There are many people in this picture. This is a good example of a population, the human population to be exact. A population is a group of organisms that live in the same area together.

Territorial Behavior

Drawing of salmon
This is salmon during mating season. In the drawing it depicts a female salmon hovering over her eggs and protecting her territory. This is called territorial behavior, in which an animal defends a territory.


Drawing of protein synthesis
This drawing of protein synthesis, a process in which protein is formed. A protein is a molecule composed of amino acids joined by peptide bonds. Proteins are made by ribosomes and are found in almost every living thing. In this drawing, the protein is the small chain of circles.


Drawing of an acacia tree and acacia ants
Acacia trees are tall trees that have a mutual relationship with acacia ants. The acacia ants defend the tree from predators and harm, but at the same time the acacia tree gives the ants food and shelter. This mutual relationship is due to coevolution. Coevolution is when two or more species have close relationship ecologically that causes one species to adapt, creating both species to adapt.

Batesian Mimicry

Drawing of a Mexican milksnake and mountain kingsnake
Notice how the drawing of the Mexican milksnake and mountain kingsnake look similar. This is called batesian mimicry, which is when an organism imitates a dangerous species to avoid predators.